Quality Health Associates is working with North Dakota’s primary care clinics to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rates for rural, frontier and Native American populations thereby reducing the incidence and late-state diagnosis of CRC, increasing the number of lives saved, and potentially impacting 6,500 North Dakota residents who have not been screened for CRC.
QHA’s strategy includes completion of comprehensive readiness assessments and development of clinic-specific action plans for implementing at least two evidence-based interventions to address CRC screening. QHA staff provide both individual technical assistance and a rapid-action collaborative structure. QHA shares resources, tools and materials; conducts frequent site visits and coaching calls to assess progress; identifies barriers; and develops mitigation strategies. In the rapid-action collaborative, the clinics work in small groups for education, identifying barriers and successes, and sharing best practices. QHA staff helps clinic staff leverage their electronic health records (EHRs) to collect and report CRC screening program measures. Visit the ScreeND webpage for project details, educational tools and resources.
This initiative is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).